Feast upon the Word!

Enrich Your Time With the Lord

April 19, 2023


The Stranger of Galilee

Psalm 5: 11-12

17 And he said unto them, What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?”

Luke 24:17

The two disciples of Jesus were downcast as they trudged home from a Passover gone terribly wrong. Their Lord had been slain on Friday. Saturday had been a miserable Sabbath as they were unable to return to the comfort of their homes, and on Sunday they began the journey to Emmaus, discussing the tragic events.

A Stranger joined them and asked, “What kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad?” The Stranger proceeded to give them a tour of the Old Testament, showing them God’s plan of redemption. He explained from the Law, Prophets, and Psalms how the Messiah had to die and rise again. Arriving in Emmaus, the Stranger revealed Himself. They had been walking with the Risen Lord!

The greatest encouragement we will ever know is the encouragement of knowing the Christ who rose on Easter Sunday. He walks with us and talks with us and tells us we are His own. What indescribable joy is ours—to know our Risen Savior.


A point to ponder…

Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing / eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King!

Alfred H. Ackley, in the hymn “He Lives!”


Read the Bible through in a year

1 Kings 18-20

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

April 18, 2023


Since We Have Hope

2 Corinthians 3: 12-18

12 Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:”

2 Corinthians 3:12

In his book On Losing Faith, Filipino artist Danny Sillada said, “Perhaps the most humiliating condition in life is when you no longer feel that there’s still someone or something worth waiting for and that, worst of all, no one or nothing’s waiting there for you in the twilight of your existence.” That’s a sad perspective—just the opposite of how we feel as Christians! With the hope of Christ and His eternal life, we can say:

  • Since we have such hope, we are optimists and eager for the future.
  • Since we have such hope, we deal with the troubles of life by focusing on the eternal joys of heaven.
  • Since we have such hope, we go to sleep every night with confidence in heaven and awaken each morning eager for the Lord’s return.
  • Since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech and look for every opportunity to share with others the reason for the hope within us.

Because Christ is alive, we have a certain hope that carries us through life on earth to heaven above.


A point to ponder…

Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present.

John Maxwell


Read the Bible through in a year

1 Kings 15-17

I love you!!!

2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

April 17, 2023


Diversity and Unity

Ephesians 4: 3-6

But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”

Ephesians 4:7

To illustrate the Trinity, some have suggested a three-leaf clover; others offer the three points on a triangle. Some say the three forms of water—as liquid, ice, and steam—reveal the essence of “three-in-one.” But all these suggestions fail to illustrate the biblical notion of the Trinity’s diversity within unity.

Interestingly, in a passage where Paul refers to the members of the Trinity—one Spirit, one Lord, one God the Father (Ephesians 4:4-6)—he illustrates diversity and unity. The members of the Trinity are in unity, yet they are diverse in their ministry. And Paul uses that illustration to appeal to unity among Christians. We are called to be unified as a Body of believers, yet we are also called to manifest the unique grace given to us as a gift. The human body is a unity, yet all its parts are diverse. And so is the Body of Christ.

Are you blending your unique grace-gifts into the Body of Christ in a manner that strengthens the unity of the Church?


A point to ponder…

You have a unique position in the body of Christ, with an ability to minister as no one else can.

John MacArthur


Read the Bible through in a year

1 Kings 12-14

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

Weekend Wisdom

April 15 – April 16, 2023

Shouldering the Government

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

“And the government shall be upon his shoulder.”

Why is this simple sentence such good news? Because human government is flawed and failing. Even in our country, the system is broken; the purposes set out in the Constitution are not always being accomplished. In all human government motives are suspect and hearts are sinful. Instead of a constantly improving society, we have a continually deteriorating one.

If the sad answer to “What’s wrong with human government?” is “Almost everything,” we desperately need an answer to “Who’s going to fix it?”. And that answer is found in this verse written thousands of years ago, prophesying two advents—one of which has already happened.

Although human government has its place, the church’s hope must be always and only in the promises of God. He said a child would be born—a Son would be given—and two thousand years ago in Bethlehem the child was born exactly as prophesied. That was the first advent. But Isaiah also tells us that Jesus will come again, this time to reign in power. That will be the second advent, for which we wait eagerly as God’s children.

Jesus Christ is going to return to earth, and He will establish a kingdom of permanence, promise, perfection, and power. This kingdom—this government—will be upon His shoulder. No wonder the apostle Paul calls this our “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13)!

In Isaiah 9:7 we are told, “The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.” God will not bring about this kingdom just because He can (His ability), or even because He said He would (His integrity). God tells us that His most foundational attribute which will bring about His government is His zeal—the fact that He cares with holy passion about doing it.

We use the term shoulder to describe carrying weight. Asking someone to “put your shoulder into it” is a call for extra effort. “A shoulder to lean on” implies physical and emotional support. And if we “don't think we can shoulder that,” it’s just too much for us.

But nothing is too much for the Lord. Not only will Jesus Christ completely shoulder the government of His kingdom with permanence, promise, perfection, and power; He will do so with absolute sovereignty and glory to spare. This is the second advent we await, to which the first advent drew us nearer.

The baby born in Bethlehem will come again as King. And this time the government will be forever and finally upon His shoulder.


Points to ponder…

  • What are some of your disappointments in human government and how does the reality of God in your life overcome them?
  • What are some things you need Jesus to shoulder today? Pour out your heart to Him over these matters.


Saturday’s Reading

1 Kings 8-9

Sunday’s Reading

1 Kings 10-11

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

April 14, 2023


Spiritual Heredity

John 17: 20-23

35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

John 13:35

As parents and grandparents, neighbors and relatives, gather ‘round a newborn, one of the first topics of discussion is usually, “Who does the baby look like?” Sometimes the family resemblances are immediate; sometimes they appear in time—especially likenesses based on personality and temperament.

It’s expected that biological children will manifest likenesses of others in their family tree, whether in appearance or personality. And the same thing is true—or should be true—when it comes to children of God. When Jesus gave His disciples a new command to love each other, He also gave them a reason: By such love, all the world would know that they were His followers (John 13:34-35). And the same is true for us. The world will know we belong to Christ when we demonstrate His love. Love is the only familial marker Jesus mentioned that would tell the world of His followers’ spiritual heritage.

When we demonstrate Christlike, unconditional love—especially to those who don’t know Jesus personally—we are telling the world to whom we belong. The longer we live with love toward others, the better idea the world will have of who Christ is.


A point to ponder…

The business of the church is to demonstrate God.

Bruce Hurt


Read the Bible through in a year

1 Kings 6-7

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

April 13, 2023


Palm Sunday

Revelation 19: 11-16

And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord:”

Mark 11:9

t’s hard to know which travels faster: good news or bad news. Sometimes, the same news is both good and bad depending on who hears it. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11), it was good news to Lazarus’ family but bad news to those who opposed Jesus since it would only increase His popularity.

The same happened shortly thereafter when Jesus entered Jerusalem and the crowds hailed Him as the Son of David who came in the Name of the Lord. But His entrance was bad news for those seeking to stop Him. Palm Sunday, the day we commemorate Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem, was a foreshadowing of the day He will arrive, not on a donkey but on a white horse. It will be good news for those who have loved His appearing but bad news for those who refuse to bow before Him as King of kings.

On this Palm Sunday, remember the good news that Jesus Christ is coming to judge the nations and establish His Kingdom for all who believe in Him.


A point to ponder…

The subject of the second coming of Christ has never been popular to any but the true believer.
Billy Graham


Read the Bible through in a year

1 Kings 3-5

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

April 11, 2023


In His Word

Psalm 119: 8-96

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;”

John 8:31

According to Architectural Digest, the most expensive private home on earth is in Mumbai, India—a 400,000-square-foot tower owned by Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest man. It requires 600 employees to maintain the residence. Every floor is the height of two floors, giving it lofty ceilings. It contains a garage for 168 cars and has 3 helipads on the roof. Super-fast elevators whisk family and friends up and down the tower.

But there’s a far better house each of us can afford. Jesus told us to abide—to live in, to dwell, to settle down and be at home—in His Word. His Word has 66 rooms, all with a clear view of eternity. Its foundation is anchored into the truth of God, and its front door is the cross of Christ.

When we receive Jesus as Savior and begin studying our Bibles each day, trusting His Word and obeying His commands, we are abiding in His Word. And as we abide in His Word, we are learning to abide in Christ. That’s the best address in the universe.


A point to ponder…

The way to get back to reading the whole Word of God, and to reading it with understanding, is to live in Bible territory—to regulate one’s life and experience in every detail by God’s revealed law.

Oswald Chambers


Read the Bible through in a year

2 Samuel 22-24

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

April 10, 2023


Bear This in Mind

Ephesians 4: 25-32

27 Neither give place to the devil.”

Ephesians 4:27

Deputies in Placer County, California, received a call of a break-in in progress in a local home. Racing to the scene, they caught the thieves in the act. It was a mother bear and her cub, ransacking the house for snacks. The bears had trashed the place, but the officers managed to chase them out of the house and send them on their way “with a stern warning.”

The Bible says Satan is like a prowling wild animal, seeking to ransack our lives (see 1 Peter 5:8). We need to lock him out of our habits, bar him from our thoughts, and guard our attitudes, lest we give him a foothold. We must beware of his schemes and resist him.

We can be victorious over Satan because of Christ’s death on the cross. The power of the living Christ provides protection for us, but we must be vigilant. Is there any area of your life that gives the devil an open door to tempt or trouble you? Bear down on that area and make up your mind to claim victory with the power of the Cross.


A point to ponder…

We don’t have to yield to the power of Satan. We can be victorious over him. Christ has defeated him once and for all.

David Jeremiah


Read the Bible through in a year

2 Samuel 19-21

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

Weekend Wisdom

April 8 – April 9, 2023

Rules of the Road

12 And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,

13 To keep the commandments of the Lord, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?”

Deuteronomy 10: 12–13

Rules, some say, are made to be broken. And while you might not be the kind of person who’d say that (or mean it, at least), we all tend to question whether some of the rules we’re forced to follow are simply capricious or arbitrary and generally not founded in reason.

In some cases, of course, this is probably true. Cars traveling at 40 MPH, for example, might be just as safe and sensibly driven as ones following the posted 30 MPH speed limit on any given stretch of road. But someone in authority made a decision so, hey, that’s the way it is.

Please, though--do not extend this same line of thinking to God’s holy decrees in Scripture. Everything He’s said to us has its basis in His unique, all-knowing wisdom. The Bible is not a bunch of made-up opinions which, if God had been in a different mood one day, He might have configured in some other fashion. Life on Earth is not a sociological experiment. It is governed by its Creator, who perfectly understands everything about it--everything about us--and who in His mercy has given us His Word as the Manufacturer’s specifications for human happiness.

So, when you hear the word sin--when you’re contemplating caving to a familiar temptation, when you’re building your case for why one little indulgence couldn’t possibly hurt--I hope you’ll hear something else instead. I hope you’ll hear sin to mean any action (or any failure to take action) that goes against God’s loving plan for human flourishing. Sin is not another pointless regulation that, if it wasn’t there, would make your life a whole lot easier and less stressful. The reason God doesn’t want you and sin to ever occupy the same living space is “for your good,” not a random restriction to your freedom.

When our church was designing a new worship center for one of our first buildings, my idea all along had been that we should remove the columns obstructing people’s view. I didn’t want all those posts interfering with the open floor plan we were hoping to create. One problem: those columns weren’t there for decoration; they each served an important, stabilizing purpose. We couldn’t just cut them out--or at least not if we wanted the building to stand. If we ignored the laws of physics and the rules of reliable architecture, people would eventually be hurt. By the fallout.

God is the Structural Engineer of the universe. Our thoughts are not His thoughts, and we will not always understand His ways. But hear this: Sin is sin for a reason. Disobedience is painful for a reason. The problems that come about from the failure to be a person who, as Isaiah 66:2 says, “is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word” aren’t the random, backhanded slap of mere coincidence. We either follow the Manufacturer’s specs, or we suffer the consequences.



Points to ponder…

  • How have you experienced the “for your good”reality of God’s Word, both by what He commands us to do, as well as what He commands us not to do?
  • How does meditating on God’s goodness and greatness help you to submit to His precepts even when it’s difficult?


Saturday’s Reading

2 Samuel 13-15

Sunday’s Reading

2 Samuel 16-18

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich

April 7, 2023


Joy Now and Forever

Philippians 4:4

11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”

Psalm 16:11

Why are patients willing to endure grueling weeks of chemotherapy? Why is a young couple willing to tighten their belts and their budget for two years? Why are some members of the military willing to undertake months of taxing training? It’s because of what lies ahead: physical health, freedom from debt, and achieving a goal.

The same question could be asked of the apostle Paul: Why could he write a short letter to the Philippians and mention “joy” and “rejoice” over a dozen times while incarcerated in a Roman jail? What gave him such a perspective—that it is possible to have joy and endurance in the midst of hardship? It is because we are future focused. Our eternal life begins when we come to know God through faith in Jesus Christ (John 17:3). We are living now in the future. The joy we will know on the new earth (Revelation 21:1-4) is the joy we can know today.

If you know Christ as Lord and Savior, you have been born from above to eternal life. Let eternal pleasure bring you fullness of joy today.


A point to ponder…

Only to sit and think of God, O what a joy it is!

Frederick W. Faber


Read the Bible through in a year

2 Samuel 8-12

I love you!!!

© 2000-2023 B. Michael Goerlich