Feast upon the Word!

Snap Shot

Written by Michael Goerlich

July 26, 2022


Snap Shot

Psalm 36: 5-10

18  Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all

perseverance and supplication for all saints;”

Ephesians 6:18

We take pictures in our minds and it takes us mere seconds to frame a judgment. Part of

this is brain efficiency—our brains need structure and simplicity to function well. If we are

not careful we can walk through each day like a sleep walker, never fully present or paying

attention to the people and opportunities around us, or worse yet, never seeking God during

our day to day life.


When we intentionally slow down and set rhythms in place to connect with God, we begin to

sense His Spirit and presence throughout the day. We notice the nudge to call a friend and

ask how they are doing. We breathe in the scent of nature and slow our footsteps as we exit

work, thanking Him for vibrant color and an evening of rest. We pause before turning on

music to talk to God.


Instead of relegating God to a specific time each day, intentionally seek to weave your

awareness of Him throughout your day. He is present and waiting for you to invite Him into

each moment of your unfolding life.


A point to ponder…

Few people arise in the morning as hungry for God as they are for cornflakes or toast and


Dallas Willard

Read the Bible through in a year

Ecclesiastes 9-12

I love you!!!

© 2000-2022 B. Michael Goerlich
